Arrival & location
Location & how to get to the Alp Art Hotel in Götzens
Arrival by train
Innsbruck main station is approx. 9 km away.
With your guest card (if you stay for 2 nights or longer) you can travel to our hotel free of charge with bus 404. Please contact us bevor arrival, so we can send you the card on arrival day.
Austrian Federal Railways German Federal Railways Swiss Federal Railways
Arrival by car
Coming from Munich/Salzburg: Take the exit Innsbruck West off the A12. Take the first road left and continue until you get to Götzens/Axams. The hotel is on the right side of the street.
Coming from Bregenz: Take the exit Innsbruck Kranebitten and follow the signs to Götzens. Our hotel is after the two petrol stations on the right.
Coming from Italy: Take the exit Innsbruck Süd. Follow the signs to Mutters and from there you will follow the signs to Götzens. Keep to the right at the church in Götzens and after a few meters you will see our Alp Art Hotel on your left.
Arrival by plane
Airport Innsbruck "Kranebitten": 9.5 km away (taxi to/from the hotel ~ € 20.00)
Airport Salzburg: 185 km
Airport Munich "Franz Josef Strauss": 200 km
Denmark (Billund, Copenhagen)
Great Britain (Birmingham, Bristol, Edinburgh, London, Manchester,...)
Sweden (Gothenburg, Stockholm)